Federal Conservative Agriculture Critic Luc Berthold was in Winnipeg Wednesday to discuss the China-canola issue.

He met with Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP), the Manitoba Canola Growers Association and farmers in the community.

"What we heard is very troubling," said Berthold. "It's still a crisis for farmers all around here in Manitoba. It's still a crisis for their mental health because there's a lot of uncertainty right now for all the producers. They just don't know how the government is handling this file and it's very concerning. They want action, they want the government to act, to do something because now they are left in the dark."

Berthold says it's been a month now since the federal ag minister asked for a technical delegation to be sent to China and still no response.

He adds the first thing the government needs to do is to admit that this is a political issue and act accordingly. Berthold says the Cash Advance Payments Program also needs to be looked at by the Liberals to help farmers deal with the situation.

Berthold notes he's asked for emergency debate in Ottawa nine times and will continue to press the issue going forward.

He stresses that farmers' livelihoods are at stake.


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