Christmas came a little bit early for some residents at Wheatland Lodge today.

Fighting through the biting cold weather, nine-year-old Roman Coutilier arrived at the lodge with a bundle of Christmas cards that he hand-made for local seniors.

Roman said he did it, “So I can make older folks happy.” He explained that this was the first time he tried the project. And he made 10 cards. Each card also comes with a special treat inside.

One card, in particular, is his favourite. It has a Christmas stocking on the front. “Pretty much I put a lot of detail into it,” he said.

His mom explains that he spent three days working day and night on the gifts.  Roman also said that he had a lot of fun creating these and can't wait to do it again, and he is already making plans for Valentine's day.

Roman and his family moved to Strathmore a year ago from Nova Scotia, his mom explained they came to visit family and liked it so much that they stayed.