There was a little bit of a kerfuffle for some visitors to the area at the Rocking R Guest Ranch just outside of Strathmore.  

The owner of the ranch, Ryan Carriere, explained that the evening started out like any other.  

“We've had some guests originally from Brazil. We invited them over for supper on one of their last days that they're going to stay here and right when they got here, my wife was in the office and she's like, ‘um, there's a bull in the alleyway.”  

For the record, Rocking R Guest Ranch does not own any bulls so when they found a lone bull munching on some hay, they were surprised to say the least.   

The bull was happily munching away when their guest rang the doorbell for supper.  

“They were coming in, we invited them into the office and we were looking at the bull there. I put on my boots and I went out there and I told the guests, ‘Well now you get dinner and a show.’” Carriere chuckled. 

He proceeded to try and get the bull out of the yard, but the bull was pretty happy eating hay and wouldn’t budge. Soon, it got too dark to continue to push the bull out so Ryan went inside to eat dinner and tried again in the morning.  

“We were chasing him around trying to get him to a back gate that opens up to the corral and so we opened that up and then we tried to corral him. Just as we were getting him to the gate, our neighbour who owns the bull was driving by with a couple of bales of hay. He stopped and saw his bull on our property and helped us get him back home.” 

He chuckled saying that they are going to add bull wrangling to the list of experiences at Rocking R Guest Ranch.