Construction is set to begin on George Freeman Trail on Tuesday, October 9. The George Freeman Trail bridge will be under construction until approximately December 1.  The bridge will be upgraded during this time and George Freeman Trail will be closed from Centennial Drive just past the bridge. 

The construction crews will be removing the existing bridge and replacing it. This will include placement of culverts, backfilling, installation of the bridge rail and other work.  Signage and detours will be put in place to ensure the safety of the workers and residents during construction.  Due to the paving not expected to be started until November with the colder temperatures at that time the town noted that paving may not be completed until the spring. This is due to the colder temperatures and the effect that has on the asphalt application and longevity. If the paving cannot be completed a gravel surface will be applied to the bridge until the spring. 

Construction had to wait until this time of year as it requires that no water flows through the canal, as the system operates seasonally the first available start date was the beginning of October.  It is expected that a portion of the construction and clean up and possibly paving will extend into the spring due to a later start in the season. 

The bridge closure will also apply to pedestrians when traveling to George Freeman School, or the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre. When using the path system the connecting bridge near Aspen Creek Crescent will be accessible to pedestrians to access those facilities.  

Once completed, the bridge will be a full two-lane bridge with a2.5-metres wide pedestrian path adjacent. This will be separated from the bridge by a curb face.