It’s time for mission impossible at Ecole Brentwood School in Strathmore. This week each year the school hosts a huge obstacle course that kids get to climb, wiggle, jump and run through in th gym, called Mission Impossible.

Just like the films, the entire school population grapples with the course in the gym as part of the physical education class.

We spoke with Associate Principal of Ecole Brentwood Elementary School Erin Friesen about the course, which is a great activity for kids during the cold winter months.

“The entire school is doing it. We do it every year actually. It's called Mission Impossible,” she said.

“It’s a a giant obstacle course that we do every year in January. We feel like January is a long, cold month often and so every year for one week in Phys-Ed we set up this giant obstacle course called Mission Impossible throughout our gym and then in the Phys Ed classes.”

All of the students in the school get the chance to rotate through the course which has about 26 stations.

“The kids love it,” she said. “They absolutely love it and they have a blast doing it.”

The obstacle course covers the entire space of the school gym. Staff from Ecole Brentwood Elementary School come in on Friday afternoon the week before to set it up.

Friesen says, “It’s a little bit different every year.” And with new teachers come new obstacles and new ideas.


Check out a video here: