Joel Oulette attended Strathmore high and found his love for the performing arts in his grade ten drama class. A well-rounded student Oulette also found himself on the Spartan's Football team and performing in a one-act play all in the same year.  This local actor will be seeing some screen time in the new feature film "Alpha", which is in theatres now.  Joel's role is a small part  but he feels it is a step forward in this very difficult industry.  Oulette plays a youth hunter that submits their handmade spear tip to be judged by the chief and he is one of many that gets rejected.  While Shooting for ten days at a Hutterite colony just outside of Brooks Alberta, Oulette was amazed at the level of preparation and skill needed to compose each shot. Joel stated, "Everything was great and interesting, the spears were rubber and the smoke that came from the tents were artificial as well, but the best part was being driven from our trailers to the set in GoKarts." Oulette's next gig is in September in Vancouver on a film called "Monkey Beach" where he will play the role of a high school student.