RCMP want to remind the public to not leave their vehicles unattended while they are running, these vehicles are easy targets for theft.

With the recent cold snap, RCMP wants to remind residents to be careful when they are warming up their vehicles and leaving them unattended.  Thieves will look for easy targets, this includes cars and trucks left running and unlocked outside of your house or the grocery store and any other stop-offs you may make.

Thefts of this type are usually preventable a few tips from the RCMP include: 

1. Lock your vehicle.

2. Remove valuables from inside your vehicle.

3. Report suspicious activity that you see in and around your neighbourhood. 

4. Park in well-lit areas 

5. If you must leave your vehicle running and you do not have remote start use the club it may seem old-fashioned but it is a great deterrent.

#5 is a great idea and an inexpensive solution for the winter!