A bit of breathing room for homeowners worried about paying their mortgages while faced with the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.

The big six banks say they will allow customers to defer mortgage payments for up to six months among other changes. The head of the Canadian Bankers Association tweeted out the announcement early Wednesday morning.


Deferred mortgage payments are typically tacked back on to the end of a mortgage term, meaning borrowers are simply postponing their payments.

The Canadian Bankers Association says the changes will take effect immediately through the Bank of Montreal, CIBC, National Bank of Canada, RBC Royal Bank, Scotiabank, and TD Bank.

The institutions say they will work with people and small businesses on a case-by-case basis to help them manage through challenges like pay disruption due to COVID-19; childcare disruption due to school closures; or those facing illness from COVID-19.

Clients directly impacted by the virus and are facing financial challenged because of it are being encouraged to call and speak with their banks about their options.

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