Have you ever taken a look at your water or utility bills and wondered if it’s too low or a bit too high? We spoke to the Town of Strathmore to find out if Strathmore water rates are comparable to rates found in other local communities. Lisa Gregory, Director, Corporate Services for the Town of Strathmore explains.

“Utilities, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, solid waste, and recycling are operated on a full-cost recovery basis through equitable user fees. Full-cost recovery ensures that utility revenues will cover 100 per cent of the annual operating costs including debt repayment and future capital cost replacements.”

She says, “Historically, Strathmore’s utility rates have been higher than other surrounding local communities. Comparing rates can be difficult because some municipalities use other revenues to subsidize water rates.”

In Strathmore, utility rates are reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis for inflation, reserves, and service contract agreements, or commitments. The 2022 utility rates were increased by 2 per cent for inflation.