The Wheatland Kings had a close game against the Coaldale Copperheads on Sunday's game, but pulled through with an amazing comeback, stealing the victory.

The first period was controlled by the Copperheads as they scored their first two points of the match, one early on, while the other was earned in power play. The second period was a defensive one, but the Copperheads earned their third point of the match, ending the second period 3-0 for the Copperheads. 

The third period did not look good for the Kings, but the Kings had a comeback in force. In the first four minutes of the period the Kings got their first point of the match by Adrian Kusu. Shortly after both the Kings and Copperheads each got a ten and five minute penalty for each team. The Kings pulled through afterwards and got three more points in power play earned from Lucas Muenchrath, Garret Vander Ploeg, and the third point from Lucas Muenchrath as well. With only one minute left in the period the Kings pulled the win for good when they got two more points from Garret Vander Ploeg and Kyle Bracko. The third period ended in 6-3 for the Kings, giving them the win.

With such a fantastic come back for the Kings, and a well played game at that, the Copperheads will have a tough time against the Kings when they play their rematch this Saturday at 8:30 in Coaldale.