After being on the watch list and having a surge in cases, Strathmore now has 0 cases of COVID-19.

As things are ever-changing, please follow this link for the most up to date information regarding the number of COVID-19 cases in the area.

The Town of Strathmore has amped up its safety measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Businesses around town have hand sanitizer at the ready for customers, recreation facilities have new rules and guidelines, and residents have been physically distancing as much as possible.

In addition to these, there has also been a pop-up testing clinic held for anyone who wanted to get tested. The clinic was booked up within a day of announcing the event.

Communications Strategist with the Town of Strathmore explained the importance of getting tested.

“Testing helps to stop the spread of COVID-19, it is important whether you think you have symptoms or not. Early detection can limit how many other people are exposed to an active case, and if a person is asymptomatic, the test may be the first time they realize they are carrying the virus. So, these clinics are really helping to keep Strathmore safe,”

An additional pop-up testing clinic has been added for tomorrow, north of the civic centre. It is also fully booked, but if you want to get tested you can book through the Alberta Government website here.