The Strathmore Library will be teaming up with Happy Cat Sanctuary to offer a very unique experience in Strathmore as they are set to open Strathmore's first Cat Cafe! 

Assistant Director of Library Services Carmen Erison explained where this all started.

"The idea initially came from two of our staff members attending a library conference down in Lethbridge. They got all the information on how to do it and brought that back to me and of course, being a big cat fan, I was just jumping for joy and wanted to see if we could pull this off."

The cafe will be on November 5, and if successful, Erison hopes to see it once a month or possibly once every couple of months. The afternoon will have a place for gathering to spend time with the cats as well as refreshments and snacks and games to play free of charge. 

"The funding for this is coming from the Rural Mental Health Network Project, it is a grant through FCSS. So the idea of that grant is all about building connections, getting to know people, and it's a great way to talk to people of similar interests who love cats."

There are a couple of goals for the Library and Happy Cat Sanctuary, one being to hopefully have some of the cats at the cafe get adopted. Erison added there will be the opportunity if people are able to donate to the Happy Cat Sanctuary while they are there but by no means is that mandatory. The positive mental health aspect a space like this can provide is also something Erison believes is extremely important.

"There has been research about being around animals that shows it honestly does help with a person's mental health, so that to us is also very important to be able to have something like that, especially in the winter months that are coming through."

Erison did note that as this will be held in the programming room at the library. Prior to the event all furniture with any fabric will be removed from the space and the space will be sterilized after the cafe has finished to avoid issues for future patrons who may have an allergy. 

There will be volunteers and library staff on hand to ensure that the cats who are there are comfortable and that if they need a break they are able to see to it that are safe and happy during the event, also Erison did express that this an event open to everyone.

"We don't want to give it the feel of a petting zoo, we want to give it the feel of a casual cup of coffee, meet the felines, maybe adopt, that type of thing. If families want to come we do ask parents or guardians to please remain with their kids if they are in the room, just because our priority is making sure this is a comfortable experience for the animals and for the people as well."

The first Cat Cafe will be open on November 5th from 11 am to 3 pm in the programming room at the library. 

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