February 7 is Winter Walk Day here in Alberta, and Albertans are encouraged to bundle up and head out for a walk.

Since 2006, Winter Walk Day has brought together communities across Alberta while promoting year-round active lifestyles.

Albertans are encouraged to register online to participate in this year’s Winter Walk Day for a 15-minute trek through the cold either as an individual or as a team with friends, family, schoolmates, or coworkers.

"Winter Walk Day is a great way for Albertans to stay healthy and be active this winter. I encourage all Albertans to round up their friends, family, schoolmates, or work colleagues to head outdoors and enjoy the beautiful winter weather that our province has to offer," said the Minister of Tourism and Sport, Joseph Schow. 

In 2023, more than 149,000 Albertans registered to participate in Winter Walk Day.

This year’s goal is to have more than 150,000 participants, for a total of 2.2 million minutes spent enjoying the outdoors.

Research shows that light activities like walking can have a positive impact on one’s overall physical and mental health.

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