Ty Dahl has become an honorary paramedic with Wheatland EMS. 

15 months ago, Dahl came to Wheatland EMS asking if he could volunteer. 

"Volunteering with Wheatland EMS is a commendable effort, showcasing the importance of inclusion and recognizing the abilities and talents of individuals with Down syndrome," it stated in a Facebook post by Wheatland EMS. 

Kevin Link, Operations Manager and Paramedic for Wheatland EMS said the reason for making Dahl a part of the crew of paramedics is something that he couldn't pass up.

"My daughter has Down Syndrome, so when Ty came to the front door asking to volunteer, I told him that we are in a club and welcomed him that day and he has been helping us ever since."

Link expressed that Dahl's dedication and commitment to volunteering not only contribute to the community's well-being but also challenge stereotypes and preconceptions about people with Down syndrome.

"It's essential to focus on the unique qualities and capabilities of each individual, rather than letting a medical condition define their identity." 

Dahl said his favorite thing to do when he is working is to ride in the ambulance.

"It is a great place to work. When I ride in the ambulance, I like to play with the siren." 

Some of the duties that Dahl performs when he is on shift are things like helping around the office, cleaning ambulances, vacuuming, and shredding paper. 

Ty DahlTy Dahl washing the ambulance bays. (Photo Credit - Jillian Warrack). 

"By highlighting Ty's smiling face, the message is clear – that joy, compassion, and a desire to help others transcend any perceived limitations. It's a reminder for society to embrace diversity, promote inclusivity, and provide opportunities for everyone to lead fulfilling lives," read the post on Facebook. 

Wheatland EMS expresses its gratitude towards Foothills Advocacy in Motion (FAIM) for introducing them to Dahl.

"Ty's story is undoubtedly an inspiration for others to look beyond disabilities and appreciate the valuable contributions that individuals like him can make. We love you, Ty."

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