Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day for Canadians to recognize the heritage, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit's, and Métis peoples.

Shilo Clark, marketing and communications specialist for Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park explains that reconciliation is essential.

"We have faced oppression, so it's important to have a day that acknowledges the beauty of our cultures. Our resiliency is so important. It's an opportunity for folks who don't know much about First Nations culture to learn what they didn't know."

shilo Shilo Clark at the Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park.

Clark says it is also an opportunity to uplift communities. 

"We have faced adversities, and we are still facing adversities. It is an ongoing process, and we must build our mindfulness of that."

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park celebrated the day with a blessing from Gerald Sitting Eagle. The Blackfoot Historical Crossing Princess also made an appearance during the event. There was also a free lunch and many activities for the community. 

According to Clark, the day has evolved dramatically over the years.

"It's evolved from just a few communities celebrating their rich heritage to now a nationwide recognized day where people can stand up to support First Nations people."

Clark expressed that many First Nations people still face prejudice. 

"It helps folks open their eyes, hearts, and minds to our culture. Many of these prejudices come from the past, and for people to come and see us as we are now in the present and see the beauty of our culture, I think people would open their eyes." 

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Princess Tia Wolfleg expressed that it is important to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day to keep her culture's stories alive and that she is blessed to have her heritage.

"I am so grateful to be on this earth. I am the first and second generation not to go into residential school. I'm so happy and grateful for my grandparents, my ancestors, and everyone who can tell their stories today," Wolfleg said. 

princessThe Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park Princess, Tia Wolfleg. 

Clark left off by inviting the community to their annual Prairie Chicken Dances on June 27 and Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park on June 28 for a Champions Breakfast. 

"This is an opportunity for folks to come out and meet the world champions of the Prairie Chicken Dances from the night before." 

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