With support organizations beginning to reopen and get back to working with those in need there are groups looking at new ways to raise the funds needed to continue to provide services as they have in the past.

Foothills Advocacy in Motion (FAIM) is an organization that has been in operation since 1980 and currently operates in three locations in Strathmore, High River, and Okotoks

"FAIM shares its mission to celebrate the individuals with developmental disabilities that we serve, and their tremendous capabilities and potential. In each individual, there resides an array of talents and gifts. Our role is to find a suitable environment in which these talents can manifest themselves to benefit all parties involved. Often, all that’s required is the opportunity to demonstrate these strengths and abilities."

This year the team had planned a half-marathon fundraiser but Jessica Koch said there is still a plan in place just in a new way this year, "We've been keeping our eye on what some other events are doing and we've seen some walks and runs move over to a virtual platform, and thought that's a great idea and at least a way to keep our run happening for this year so that's what we've done we're going to host a virtual run."

"Participants will be able to complete their run between August 29 and September 12 this year, with an entry fee of $50 runners will also get a link they can use to do additional fundraising if they choose," noted Koch.

Runners can do their run anywhere they want this year. The original run that was planned for the 2020 run will be marked off in High River for participants to use with different distances for participants there are many options for all levels.

"We are hosting a half marathon, but we also have a 10K and a 5K, people can run or walk whatever you are most comfortable with."

Koch also noted that FAIM does receive some funding government but there are many services they offer such as mental health support, staff training, and vehicle access and gas along with others that they need to raise funds for in order to continue to offer added services.

This is the 18th year for the High River half marathon and with a virtual run for 2020 Koch is optimistic that they will still have a great turnout to support the organization.

Registration is open now at highriverhalf.com.