The town’s Code of Conduct Bylaw is up for review. The bylaw was created to govern the conduct of town councilliors. Council voted in favour of having town administration update section 5.2 of the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw and to bring the bylaw forward for review at a future Committee of the Whole meeting.

Chief Administrative Officer Kevin Scoble said, “The purpose of referring this to the committee of the whole is to have a very fulsome discussion, wherever Council wants to go, and that discussion is not constrained to Section 5.2. If there are other things that Council wishes to take a look at and discuss revising, that's entirely theirs.”

At the council meeting, the town council reviewed a number of topics that are included in the Code of Conduct Bylaw like communicating on behalf of the municipality, adherence to policies, procedures, and bylaws, or confidential information.

The council must review the bylaw within 90 days of being sworn in. The last time the bylaw was given Third Reading was on June 5, 2019.