Rain and snow didn't stop the 104.5 More Country crew from heading out of town and on the road for Seed and Feed powered by JMR Mechanical today and it was a good thing they did! 

The Hi-Tech Farms crew was in full swing just North of Rockyford today, the crew said they could see the snow but unfortunately, none of the moisture made it as far as their fields, all they could see was a cloud of dust.

With 1700 acres to seed this year the crew is trying something new as the cost of fertilizer has gone through the roof explained Eric Martin.

"There will be a lot of spraying to do this year, we're going to put our fertilizer on with the sprayer so that will keep us busy this summer." 

He said that instead of putting the fertilizer in the ground and hoping it all works out, they will spray the crops when the time is right, this way if they run into the heat and dry conditions of last year and don't get a good crop they will save money on not using fertilizer that they don't need. 

This is something he explained that farms are doing in the UK and other parts of the world already and although it may seem like a bit more work it could save a lot of money in the end.

Thank you to today's sponsor Strathmore Seed and to Mike's Bar and Grill for providing lunch to a very hungry crew! 

Nominate a crew in the area today at Strathmorenow.com/seedandfeed