Local schools will see changes in their nutrition programs. 

Earlier this week, the Government of Alberta announced a one-time $5-million grant to expand school nutrition programs across the province to provide more students with balanced meals and snacks this school year. 

It is estimated that over 58,000 Alberta students receive a daily meal through Alberta’s school nutrition program. 

“Through this funding, school jurisdictions will be able to create, continue, or enhance nutrition programs in identified schools,” it said in a press statement. 

According to the Government, they have already provided $20 million to school authorities for their nutrition programs. 

The one-time grant increased the pre-existing funding by 25 percent, bringing the total funding to $25 million to run nutrition programs for the 2023–2024 school years. 

The grant will be distributed to public, separate, francophone, and applicable public charter schools. 

“Proper nutrition is essential for student success. No one is operating at their best on an empty stomach. To acknowledge the rising costs of food and services, we’re thrilled to be able to provide additional funding to support student nutrition through the end of this school year,” said Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides. 

The Alberta Government encourages schools to partner with their local organizations to best meet the food needs of their students. 

“Through the flexibility of this program, local school boards can make decisions that best support their students and families while building strong connections within the community and with local organizations.” 

StrathmoreNow reached out to Golden Hills School Division to inquire about how much funding each school in the area will receive. Currently, we are waiting for a comment. 

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