Cst. Andrew O'Connell of the Strathmore RCMP was recognized this summer by Cpl. Cumming's Watch for his hard work in keeping our roads safe! In 2021.

O'Connell charged more than 25 impaired drivers, which saw him awarded with the gold challenge coin and a certificate of appreciation presented to him by Staff Sergeant Mark Wielgosz and his supervisory Cpl. Robert Kuehn.

“Road safety is one of our detachment’s performance priorities for the year in which Cst. O’Connell has been a steadfast contributor. Cst. O’Connell’s efforts to remove impaired drivers from our roads demonstrates his commitment to community safety. I’d like to express my thanks to Cst. O’Connell for his contributions and look forward to his continued delivery on our road safety commitments to our residents,” Wielgosz said.

Cpl. Cumming's watch is a collaborative effort between Alberta RCMP and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada to support officers in getting drunk drivers off the roads. The program is named after Cpl Graeme Cumming, an RCMP member who lost his life due to a drunk driver while on duty in 1998.

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