Conner Hyde and his younger brother could have been crushing it on their Xbox and not given two cares about what was happening out on the streets of Strathmore, but that is not the case.  Instead, they rallied their friends and started StrathmoreAid.  Hyde talks about their goal, "We got this idea together, like hey there are a probably a lot of people right now who are either in self-isolation or at home with their kids and aren't able to get out as much right now, so we started thinking how we could help those people. just came up with the idea to reach out to see who needed grocery shopping done, pet care done and just those little tasks that are harder to do right now with how circumstances with the world are."

The group is newly formed and they have only received one request to clear a driveway, but they are hoping people will use them to make their life a little easier.  They may have not received a lot of requests but they did get a lot of offers to help Hyde says, "We've had so many people respond and say 'oh hey I have a trailer you can use if you need to hauls stuff around'. I had someone reach out and say they go to the city every day and are able to pick up stuff from the city if people need it. Some of my students at the youth group at the church can run child care for a bit."

So in the town's time of need, there are plenty of helping hands out there and you only need to reach out.  You can get some StrathmoreAid for yourself by calling Hyde at 403-324-0566