Earlier today (March 15) Wheatland County Council decided to appeal the court's decision against Councilor Glenn Koester.

According to a statement from Wheatland County, on February 22 the Court of King’s bench decided the matter of Koester v Wheatland County.

"With great respect to the Court, Wheatland County and its legal counsel have concerns with this decision after careful review of the findings," The county stated. 

The statement continued by saying that it is the responsibility of the Council to protect the integrity of County governance to best serve the community and the public interest. 

"We do so through a commitment to transparency and by upholding the principles of fairness and accountability."

The motion to appeal the court’s decision in the matter was brought to by a vote of 4-2. 

"We believe an appeal is the most appropriate step to bring this matter to a fair conclusion for all parties, including the residents of Wheatland County whom we serve."

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