Joanne Nelner is a real gem, on a regular evening she can be found at the Strathmore Overnight Shelter, sending out social media posts, coordinating schedules, or as she says working as the sidekick to Pastor Elizabeth Karp, the executive director.

For the last four years or so she has been volunteering her time helping clients who visit the Strathmore Overnight Shelter. Today she works as the volunteer co-ordinator.

Nelner began volunteering as a way to keep busy after a personal tragedy.

“My passion is to serve and before I started at the shelter, I had signed up with them at one of the street markets and I really prayed about it because my brother had passed away. He was an alcoholic and just couldn't kick it. He ended up passing away at 56-years-old,” she said.

“My heart was pretty broken and I just needed to do something to honor him and

It was to help the homeless who struggle with addiction and mental illness as well,” said Nelner.

“I started August of 2018 and the shelter opened September 11th, 2018,” Nelner says what she would say to people who want to volunteer, but they're hesitant because of fear regarding the homeless is that she was too when she first started.

“Until I did my first shift. They're just people like us that have had a bad hand handed to them where they end up at a homeless shelter,” she said.

“There is nothing to be fearful about. There's nothing to be scared about.” She says some of the visitors do have mental health problems, but the shelter is a small home-like setting. The evenings are pretty quiet.

“They keep to themselves. They come in at night. They have their supper and a lot of them go straight to bed,” she said.

New volunteers usually call Pastor Elizabeth Karp, and they are given an orientation. Nelner explained that they prefer that volunteers have basic firs aid training. After that volunteers train with more experienced volunteers and staff, just to gauge their comfort level and to see if this type of environment is a good fit for them.

Right now, the Strathmore Overnight Shelter is current searching for in-take volunteers. Those who are interested in volunteering at the facility can call Pastor Elizabeth Karp at 403-880-3171.