A Cluny area grain farmer is helping bring mental health resources to the agriculture community in Strathmore.

Hannah Konschuh applied for funding to host a mental health first aid certification training course for agriculture coming up at the end of February which has already sold out.

The course is by the not-for-profit Do More Agriculture Foundation who has been putting a spotlight on mental health in the ag industry and providing resources.

Konschuh says all spots for the free workshop were spoken for on the first day, which speaks to the desire and need of people wanting to learn more.

"We know anecdotally of course that farming and ranching are demanding occupations, but what we're seeing now is data to back that up, and a movement to bring resources and awareness to agriculture."

In a recent agriculture study at the University of Guelph, 45 per cent of Canadian farmers reported high stress, 58 per cent reported anxiety, and 35 per cent reported depression.

Konschuh says the course will teach participants how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help and how to guide a person towards professional assistance.

She adds there are over 12 Do More Agriculture workshops similar to this one being hosted across Canada.

The Monday, February 25 to Tuesday, February 26 event still has a waiting list.

For more information, you can visit their website.