There is more to heading back to school then shopping for supplies and new clothes. Back to School health awareness is just as critical.

Children heading back to school in Grade's 1, 5 and 9 will receive immunization shots, with parental consent, so it is imperative to have your child's immunization records up to date.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) recommends you have your child's vision tested prior to starting Kindergarten. As well if you think your child may have any hearing or speech issues to talk to your doctor and see a specialist if needed. It can help in any of these cases to determine any possible issues that may hinder learning.

It is important to provide your child's school with information regarding any health issues they face including but not limited to physical impairments, allergies or medical conditions. The school should be aware of any medications your child takes regularly, and have all emergency contacts up to date including parents and physicians.

As well AHS reminds parents to be aware of the size and weight of your child's backpack. AHS says "A backpack should not be more than 10 to 15 percent of their body weight and should have broad shoulder straps and a waist strap that keeps the bag firmly on the spine"

With all the excitement in the return back to school AHS reminds parents to set up with your child a meal plan to ensure they are getting all the needed nutrition to get through their day.  As well to stick to a bedtime routine both of these steps will help to provide your child with the ability to try to fend off any colds or flu that may be circling their school.