Students from Crowther Memorial Junior High School took part in a special walk to raise awareness about the water crisis that is impacting Indigenous communities across Canada.

The students walked around Gray Park in support of the Water First initiative on Thursday.

Lindsay Walker, a teacher with the school, is encouraging students to be activists and says the program is a great way to get them out and learning.

"We had a presentation from Water First explaining kind of who they are and their initiatives. And then two students decided that that was a pretty powerful thing and they wanted to be part of that change."

Students pose for a photo before beginning a walk to raise awareness about the water crisis many Indigenous communites are facing.Students from Crowther pose for a photo before starting their walk to raise awareness about the water crisis affecting Indigenous communities across Canada.

Walker says it's vital for students to be able to focus on important programs like this one, "That's one reason I want to teach leadership and just to have students realize they can be difference makers and not in 5-10 years. Like, right now they can make a difference."

According to Stats Canada, from May of 2016 to May of 2023 there were over 400 long term drinking advisories on public systems on reserves.

Gurman Kular, a student with the school, says this is the first time they are taking part in the important event.

"This year we learned a lot about Indigenous culture. And lately we read a book called Braiding Sweetgrass, and it was basically just about giving back to the land for all it does for us."

For more information on the Water First initiative, you can visit here.