They say that man’s best friend is his dog, but for Jennifer Fraser and her dog Daiquiri, they are soulmates.

Fraser has been training dogs her whole life and recently has begun a mission to conquer as many Guinness World Records as possible. She and Daiquiri already hold the title for most tricks done in 60 seconds, which is a feat in itself. But Fraser has a thirst for more.

She recently was seen at Kinsmen Park with Daiquiri to conquer the record for the fastest time a dog has backed up.

“I have one world record, and after I got that world record, I thought, okay, let's see if there is any more out there that Daiquiri can do because he is so diverse. He knows about 200 tricks. I found a bunch of world records that he can accomplish, and so we are training hard. Now, we are trying to do as many as we can, and we are hoping to get two dozen done before the summer is over,” explained Fraser.

On Wednesday, Daiquiri unofficially broke the record for the fastest time walking backwards in approximately 2.6 seconds. The previous record-holder did it in 6.73 seconds.

If you are thinking that Fraser and Daiquiri look familiar, it is because they recently just appeared on America’s Got Talent (AGT), and got four yes’s from the judges.

“I just appeared on America’s Got Talent. That was a little crazy, a little stressful, but a lot of fun, a good experience,” expressed Fraser. “We were supposed to go down to live shows but unfortunately COVID kind of ruined that chance. It all depends on what they do, but they might bring me back next year to make up for it because they really like my act and really wanted my second act on stage. It was an unbelievable act but the judges were all super friendly and the AGT staff were awesome.”

While she is waiting to hear back from AGT, Fraser is putting all her time and effort into breaking as many Guinness World Records as she can. She is allowed to break one record a day and is trying to do it as fast as she can.

“I hold the record for the most tricks in 60 seconds, but someone tied me and I am too competitive to let that slide. So, I will be trying that again, and that is the most difficult one. Right now we hold it at 60 tricks in 60 seconds, and I can do better.”

She is hoping to achieve the most things caught by a dog in 10 seconds this week as well. She needs two timers, and two official witnesses to claim the record.

You can keep an eye on for more updates to when she will need witnesses for her records.