Step back over 100 years in time this weekend when you learn about the Titanic from historian Larry Robinson as he visits Strathmore.

Robinson, the co-founder of the Canadian Titanic Society will be visiting the Strathmore Municipal Library and sharing his passion and knowledge of the Titanic.

Carmen Erison, Assistant Director of Library Services explained that this is the third time Robinson has visited the library. Once was in 2012, which was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic and then in 2015.

“His program has been so popular that we just felt it time that we needed to bring him back because this topic never grows old and as kids grow and that I think everybody’s love of the Titanic and the history of the Titanic is still relevant to this day,” said Erison.

“His knowledge of Titanic is extravagant,” said Erison. Robinson will also be bringing replicas of items from the Titanic like dishes.

“We also have items on display currently in the library we have newspaper clippings from over the years about Titanic,” she said. Visitors are welcome to come and look at them during regular library hours.

Robinson will be at the library on Friday, April 22, in two sessions one from 3 to 4 p.m. and another in the evening from 7 to 9 p.m.

All ages are welcome to join the children’s session or the evening session with Robinson.

“The children’s session will be a little bit shorter and brought down to the level of a more of a child.” They can still enjoy the evening session, but it will go more into technical aspects of the sinking of the Titanic, she explained.

Erison noted that this evening will probably be one of the library’s biggest events since COVID-19.

“We're just so thrilled to be running in-house programming, and with this one there's no registration required. It's free to attend and just simply drop-in,” she said.