Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $5 billion dollars this week in additional lending capacity for Farm Credit Canada.

FCC’s President and CEO Micheal Hoffart says customers facing financial pressure are encouraged to contact their FCC relationship manager to talk about some available options.

“We are going to be putting in place some programming to assist our customer base. Should they be in a circumstance where they need to go deferred payments, we can go full deferral for six months. If they want to go interest-only, we can go interest-only for a year. So, those things are for kind of our existing customer base.”

He notes they will also be offering a special credit line for existing customers and new customers.

“It's available to everybody, up to $500,000 as simple General Security agreements. You know, straightforward package that will allow people to make sure they can clean up existing crop input lines or access the inputs they need to ensure the crop can get planted.”

He notes they will also be working in partnership with other financial providers to offer the solutions needed by the agriculture and food industry to take on the challenges ahead.

Customers facing financial pressure are encouraged to contact their FCC relationship manager or the FCC Customer Service Centre at 1-888-332-3301 to discuss their individual situation and options.

More information is available here.