Free soccer and T-ball for 3-6 year old children is returning to Strathmore. Registration for the parent-led Munchkins program opened recently, and the program starts up in May.

Initially started by Denise Sobol-Geremia, the program is now facilitated by Jessica Conti, who has young children of her own that are part of the program. One of the main benefits of the program is that it's free, which Conti says is great for parents who want their children to try many different things.

"I have young kids myself. And you never know if they're going to like something for an entire season. It's usually a bit of investment, whereas because this is free, it is pretty much drop in. You can pick the day that works best for you and your family, and if that changes next week, then you come a different day next week. It's just a little bit more reasonable for families with young kids to actually get their kids in sport," she said. 


Sports are an obvious way to get your kids outside and active, while also having fun. Outside of those benefits though, there are many important lessons kids can learn playing sports, even if they're as young as three years old.

"The social element is obviously a huge component, but it also is sort of an introduction to team sports and following instructions, taking direction, team building, working together with other kids their age, which are all really awesome skills for them to learn."

For Conti and all the parents involved in putting on this free program, it can be a lot of work. However, she says the work is worth it because she enjoys the time she gets to spend with her kids since she's directly involved. On top of that, it's all worth it for the community.

"I really do love Strathmore, it's where I grew up. One thing us parents always talk about is not having enough things for kids to do that doesn't cost too much money." 

If you're interested, you can visit the Munchkins Facebook page for more information. You can also email Conti at, or text her at 403-901-5040. Regarding her phone number, she says it's text only.


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