A young boy battling leukemia is receiving some help from his school and community members.

Crowther Memorial Junior High School is hosting a few fundraisers for Keagen Livingstone, who was recently diagnosed with the disease for the second time.

Tanya Maitre, a teacher of Keagen's at Crowther, says there are a few initiatives to help the family out during this difficult time.

"The cookie fundraiser at the school and then the head shave and then the donation jars we have here for people that want to donate."

Maitre says her sister passed away from a brain tumor a few years ago, and hearing Keagen's story made her want to help out as much as possible.

The leadership team at Crowther approached Maitre saying the fundraisers would be a great way to help support the family.

According to Maitre, it's been amazing to see so many people come together to help one of her students.

"It was great to see the sense of community and helping each other. And then we actually had a few families email in today asking how they can support. Their children went home and told them about the initiative that we are taking here at the school level. It's bringing awareness to a lot of people and the kids are super supportive."

Keagen's mom Brittany Vacheresse says her son relapsed in February and the family is currently staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Calgary.

"We're trying a new treatment for him right now and hoping for the best, and if that doesn't work, then we'll be moving on to a bone marrow transplant."

Vacheresse says her sister had to leave work to go and take care of Keagen's brothers back in Strathmore.

She says it's been overwhelming to see the community assist her family.

"We appreciate it so much; it's going to be very helpful."

A GoFundMe has also been set up to help aid the family financially moving forward.