Local author Tayor Seminuk joined the morning show last week to talk about her upcoming book she has written.

The book is called 'Along Came a Daughter'.

Seminuk says that it all started in her childhood.

"I grew up on a farm just east of town. I was raised on the back of a horse and playing sports, particularly hockey and that really put us on the road. I always had my nose in a book."

Seminuk says that the main inspiration for her book is based on her newborn baby Ruby. 

"Obviously when I was pregnant, I knew I was going to be reading to her and I was thinking about what kind of books do I want to read to my daughter."

The book has yet to arrive, but Seminuk says the arrival date is close.

She says that the idea of the book is for women who want children, but don't know how motherhood will be. 

"It is for women who have daughters because when we want to have a baby or we are expecting one, we imagine what life will be like with them."

Thank you to Taylor Seminuk for coming in and chatting about her book with us!

If you want to be a guest on the morning show, email keesyn.glawson@goldenwest.ca.

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