On Wednesday, Mayor Pat Fule spoke of the positive accomplishments of the community during the pandemic and urged Strathmore residents to stay focused, socially distant, and get their COVID-19 vaccine if they can.

“I've been a coach and a teacher for many years, and I know how easy it is to get caught up in what's gone wrong,” said Fule. “A missed throw can put your team behind in a game and an unfinished assignment could lower your grade. But when you focus on what's wrong, you lose sight of everything you've done right.”

The Mayor spoke about what people have gotten right over the last year while dealing with the pandemic.

“We've pulled together, helped our neighbours, supported small businesses, and donated time and money to the community groups that are most in need. We've protected each other with masks and physical distancing, and we've continued to get up and continue working together even though so many of us, I know, are tired, that perseverance is getting us through COVID-19,” he said.

In terms of the provincial vaccination program, Fule said “Right now, over 1/4 of the province has received at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. Strathmore seniors homes are 100 per cent vaccinated and local businesses like the Strathmore Value Drug Mart are helping even more residents get their first shots or their second shots.”

The Mayor himself received his first vaccination and he encourages everyone to get the shot as soon as they can.

“COVID-19 is still a threat to our community’s health, though numbers have risen to over 100 active cases in our community, new variants are spreading and younger people are now being admitted to hospitals across the province more frequently.”

“COVID-19 is still a threat to our community’s health, but it doesn't have to be a threat to our community spirit,” said the Mayor. “I'm very proud of all the accomplishments our community has achieved and all the actions that we took to protect each other. I'm proud of how we've pulled together and I'm proud of the support we provide to the most vulnerable in our community.”