A new pilot project has secured funding to change the way that doctors treat breast cancer.

The Calgary Health Foundation and Alberta Cancer Foundation have announced a $5.7 million breast cancer surgery program.

It's called The Sentimag Project, and according to each foundation, it will help revolutionize the way breast cancer is treated.

“We are proud to be funding The Sentimag Project with the support of our donors and Alberta Cancer Foundation. Our donors repeatedly tell us they value funding advancements that will make a tangible difference on the patient experience; the pilot project fulfills this wish,” says Murray Sigler, CEO & President of the Calgary Health Foundation.

Rebecca Bowman, the Vice President of Philanthropy & Chief Development with the foundation says the initiative will change the way Alberta women experience cancer surgery.

"We hope that by funding surgery innovation, tangible improvements will be made to the patient experience, making breast cancer care as comfortable and effective as possible.”

Dr. May Lynn Quan has been one of the oncologists in charge of spearheading the new pilot and bringing it to Alberta.

“Hook wires have been the standard practice (for breast cancer tumour marking) for decades. The good news is we have made progress and now have other ways to identify these lesions."

According to staff, a magnetic seed called Magseed can be placed at the tumour site and sit safely in the breast without risk of dislodging or pain.

Radioactive injections are taken out of the equation by mapping the lymph nodes during the surgery while under anesthetic.

Future plans for the pilot include leaving a Magseed in at the time biopsy, which allows patients to go directly to surgery or chemotherapy.

“This technology allows us to be efficient with our healthcare resources to improve the patient experience. We are very excited about the thought of bringing it to Calgarians and to provide data for the rest of the province so that we can hopefully offer it to women across Alberta.” added Dr. Quan.

For more information on the project, you can visit here.