A nine-year-old hockey player from Chestermere is heading to an upcoming tournament.

Boston Bleile will compete at the Brick Invitational in July along with a spring training development camp.

He was selected from over 120 players at a previous event to face off against other hockey players.

Brennan Bleile, Boston's father, says he's quite proud of his son.

"It took two days, and we finally got the notification that he made the team. We've been going to Edmonton for practices every weekend so far, and we're headed to Toronto in two weeks for a pre-tournament exhibition."

Bleile says that his son's favourite part of going to West Edmonton Mall is the change rooms where they have every player who has played in past Brick events since 1990, including Connor Bedard, the 18-year-old phenom with the Chicago Blackhawks.

According to Bleile, many NHL players have gone through the same program in the past, including Steven Stamkos, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins and PK Subban.

"That makes all the kids pretty excited about that."

The Brick Invitational will take place from July 1-7.