An Okotoks woman who had been confirmed with COVID-19 has received good news.

Leah Beingessner was given confirmation by the CDC on March 27 that she has recovered from the virus.

She returned from a trip abroad on Thursday, March 12 and immediately self-isolated before she tested positive for COVID-19 on Saturday, March 14.

Beingessner says at one point she felt discouraged and was concerned her symptoms were getting worse, however, nurses reassured her the symptoms would improve, which they did.

"March 23 was one of my sicker days I had then the next two days it started to taper off and I woke up the one morning and felt 100 per cent. I waited throughout the whole day to make sure and the whole day I felt awesome. I called them up with my follow-up call we get daily with the nurses and let them know I didn't have a runny nose, I didn't have any G.I. tract issues anymore, no cramping, nothing like that, and I was good to go."

While in isolation she stayed busy by working out at home, hanging out with her children, picking up new hobbies, and completing chores she typically wouldn't have time for.

Beingessner explains she's feeling a little apprehensive and thrown off by the fact she's able to finally leave her house.

"It is a relief obviously to not feel unwell, it is a relief to know that I'm not contagious and I'm not spreading it, helping that part in the community, but even getting that news that I could leave I didn't leave just because I think I found comfort now getting into the routine of being in self-isolation for 16 days. It's weird. It's like I adapted to this new way of living," she says.

"I don't really have any plans other than I can go to the grocery store but I'm a little nervous. And it just seems really surreal that I can actually go out and not effect anybody."

As a recovered case, she feels optimistic the public will get through this pandemic as long as the rules and guidelines set by public health officials are followed.

Beingessner says the outpouring of support from the community for her and her family while she recovered was incredible and she's excited to return the favour.

"Just to lean on that community support was huge, that was massive. How many people helped us and dropped off gifts and crafts and it was just amazing. I'm excited to be able to go out knowing that I am not contagious and I am able to help those ones that choose to self-isolate and stay at home, so that's really exciting to payback all those favours that we got."

Her children and husband remain in isolation for an additional 10 days following the confirmation of her recovery, as a precaution in case they develop symptoms.

But Beingessner says her family is feeling happy and healthy.