Miss Coulter and her grade 4 class from Ecole Brentwood School are the latest Classroom of the Month winners for February! 

After letting the kids know they won Miss Coulter, there is no doubt they will be on the edge of their seats until delivery day, “They are so excited I told them earlier today and they were just on a high all afternoon."

The students will be receiving an individual pizza party from Boston Pizza thanks to a nomination by Claudia Vachon who had this to say about Miss Coulter's class.

"She is an amazing teacher who gives her time to every single student. She has a class of 30 kids who love her, she teaches with passion and such love. Her class is part of the recycling program in the school, they are also delivering the hot lunch program to the entire school.  She is incredible at dealing with her class and she always impresses me with her projects."

This year has been a different one for students across the board and Miss Coulter is very proud of how her students have handled it.

"Overall, I have a really great bunch of students, they are like a very kind group of kids. They work hard, there are 30 of us in here but you would never know it like they just make it work and they are happy and they're just a wonderful group of kids.” 

To nominate your favourite classroom to win an individual pizza party thanks to our sponsor Audra Reinhardt of CIR Realty and Boston Pizza click here to visit Classroom of the Month on StrathmoreNow.com.