The show will go on and with it at the helm of the Calgary Stampede parade will be Katari Right Hand, a youth from the Siksika First Nation. Right Hand is also featured in the 2021 Calgary Stampede poster created by 22-year-old Calgarian Lexi Hilderman. Hilderman’s artwork features a young Fancy Dancer with rainbow ribbons flowing from her regalia, inspired by the image of Katari Right Hand from the Siksika First Nation.

The annual Calgary Stampede will take place from July 9 to 18th. Since 1912 the stampede has hosted a public parade, this will be taking place this year to kick off the Greatest Show On Earth, complete with floats and marching bands, The parade will travel on a different route than normal, in Stampede Park. On Friday, July 9.

Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement:

“The Calgary Stampede is a celebration of our province, our history, and our culture. For over a century, it has grown to welcome millions of visitors, helping to make it the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

“Nothing represents the Stampede more than the bulls and broncs of the Calgary Stampede Rodeo.

“Today, the federal government has granted performers and staff a travel exemption for the 2021 Stampede Rodeo, meaning this historic celebration of our western roots will be able to take place this year.

“Like Alberta itself, the Stampede has persevered through floods, fires, and much more. However, last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was impossible to have people gather safely. Now, with vaccines on our side and Albertans lining up to get protected, we can add a global pandemic to the many obstacles the Stampede has overcome.

“We are also closing in on the 70 per cent threshold for Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open For Summer Plan that will end the public health restrictions.

“If you have not booked your first dose, please sign up today at so we can all have a truly great Alberta summer at the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.



READ MORE: 2021 Calgary Stampede Poster Features Siksika Youth