The Strathmore Men's Soccer Team played their first ever game and home opener over the weekend.

The club lost 4-2, but according to Ryan Parkins, the Technical Director for Strathmore Soccer, even though the result wasn't what the club was hoping for, they still played a good game.

"Our team seemed to control a good amount of the play in the first half. It was a draw until very late in the game when things transitioned, and the other team was able to get a couple run of goals."

There are 21 full-time players, and four additional youth on the team.

Parkins explains that this gives them a chance to play with older teammates while also looking into post-secondary sport programs for the future.

"They can get an experience on the pitch with older, more mature players. It gives a place for our players who are maybe aging out of our youth programming to move into. So, we've been fortunate this season that we do have a few of those returning players that are playing with us this summer," added Parkins.

Parkins also touted the importance of building community, "We really try and unify our group with our guiding principles, so that all the participants within Strathmore soccer feel like they are part of a bigger community."

For more details on the team, you can visit here.