During the meeting held early this month, the Town of Strathmore Committee of the Whole discussed amendments to the Regional Emergency Management bylaw.

Fire Chief David Sturgeon of the Strathmore Fire Department presented an overview of the proposed changes and provided updates.

Sturgeon explained, “During our annual review of the bylaw and emergency plans with staff from the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, (there were) suggested changes to the regional emergency management bylaw. The proposed changes outline the regional partnership procedures, the agency, the committee, and the roles and responsibilities tied to each.” 

The proposed revisions include replacing the planning and coordination group with an existing agency and granting the City of Chestermere authority within the Regional Emergency Management Committee and agency.

Sturgeon noted, “Adding another partner to the organization improves the overall capacity to respond to large-scale emergencies and disasters by making available additional resources while simultaneously expanding the network of personnel trained to operate in emergency situations.

Alignment with local Authority Emergency Management regulations and the provincial Emergency Management Act is a primary goal of the proposed amendments.

Sturgeon mentioned, “The proposed changes aim to better align with the Local Authority Emergency Management regulations and the provincial Emergency Management Act.”

The report to the Committee of the Whole highlighted the Alberta Emergency Management Agency's endorsement of the amendments.

It also underscored the Town of Strathmore's autonomy in local emergency responses, as mandated by the Emergency Management Act, requiring periodic updates to remain compliant with evolving regulations.

Regarding the City of Chestermere's participation in the Regional Emergency Management Committee, Councilor Richard Wegener sought clarification on their representation at the upcoming meeting on April 25, especially considering recent changes in their council membership.

It was clarified that Chestermere's CAO will be present, although none of the remaining council members will attend.

Once the Regional Advisory Committee endorses the proposed bylaw amendments, they will proceed to the Town of Strathmore council for final approval.

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