A 17-year-old cowgirl has been announced as the sole contestant vying for the title of Miss Strathmore Stampede.

Tenley Warburton lives on a farm south of Hanna, Alberta and was selected by the Miss Strathmore Stampede Queen Committee.

Ellen Van Noordenburg, last year's winner, says Warburton is currently wrapping up high school.

"She's finishing up senior year at J.C Charyk School but will be headed off to Red Deer in the fall to pursue a degree in education."

According to the release, when she's not at a rodeo or on the back of a horse, Warburton spends her free time playing basketball, curling, hunting and working with the 4-H.

"The 4-H program has provided many opportunities for Tenley in the last 10 years that she’s been a member. This includes becoming a South ambassador, winning provincial public speaking and 4-H trips. She is very excited to compete in the 2024 Miss Strathmore Stampede competition,” says Van Noordenburg.

Warburton will get the opportunity to compete on June 24 to showcase her skills via a written test, public speaking, a personal interview and horsemanship.