On Thursday, in his address to the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $75 million in new funding for Indigenous people who live outside of reserves.

This funding is in addition to $15 million that was announced by the government in March for Indigenous groups that are off-reserve.

Trudeau said that funding organizations were able to give meals, groceries, clothing, and supplies to those in need, as well as offer mental health counseling. “They have also provided personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies for supportive housing, and computers and laptops so people can keep up with their school work,” he said.

“If you live off-reserve or in a city, we’re working to make sure you don’t fall through the cracks. You need and deserve services that are culturally appropriate and that’s what we are doing with today’s investment,” said Trudeau.

In March the Federal Government announced a $305 million Indigenous Community Support Fund that was geared to community groups that support First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people during the pandemic.

“Indigenous community organizations in our cities and off-reserve do crucial work year-round, but these days their services are in high demand because of the pandemic. We need to make sure they have the resources to adapt and grow their services, so they can fulfill their important mission,” Trudeau says.

This is funding for organizations that aid the over 1 million Indigenous people that live off-reserve.