Two local Strathmore youths, Dominic Atkinson and Kaden Warren, have been chosen to play for the Airdrie Raiders midget spring league team this year.

Dominic’s mother, Brandy Atkinson, feels very happy for her son, and believes it is a great opportunity for kids, “we were really excited when they asked him to come out and try out for the team.”

“We are just loving that he is playing football, and we are very lucky that Airdrie allows out of town kids to play for them,” explained Brandy.

Tracy Warren, Kaden’s mother, thinks it is awesome he was chosen to play. Tracy explained her son has worked very hard to get where he is, and believes it is a great opportunity for him.

“They are a fantastic team, the coaching is amazing, they truly care about their players and want to see them succeed,” said Tracy.