Renee` Syr plays Beatrice Wild in the Rosebud Theatre BMO Studio Stage production of Unity 1918.

Syr is taking her second year of acting at Rosebud School of The Arts (RSA) this is the second play Syr has acted in with Rosebud Theatre, she has also assisted as Stage Manager in two productions.

This play is rooted in Canadian History, "It's set in 1918 in the fall right at the tail end of World War 1 when a flu pandemic devasted the entire world. "

This plays looks at the effect this period of history had on Unity Saskatchewan, "It's a dark comedy, it's an awful tragic devasting story but there are moments of dark comedy and humour it shows how people deal with things," said Syr.

Syr was excited to work on this production and to take on any challenge, with the ensemble movement pieces the director has done a wonderful job of taking the vision of what the play means for the community and the relationship at that time.

The cast of 10 plays with fabric and dance in abstract ways and works together in this production as one unit through the movement during this production.

Syr hopes that the audience takes with them a sense of beauty that comes from human connection, relationships, and intimacy when they leave the theatre.

Unity 1918 can be seen Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 4:30 p.m. until April 27.