With the snow melting and the sun shining, the Town of Strathmore is gearing up to start breaking ground on some of the much-needed infrastructure projects that are currently on the go. 

The Manager of Infrastructure Ethan Wilson explains capital projects are a major component in the Town’s budgeting process, and a significant amount of due diligence is taken to ensure planning is accurate. 

“Delays can certainly happen in any construction project, regardless of the cost of materials. However, we have an experienced team and robust project management system in place that allows us to identify potential issues early and take corrective action before they become major problems.” 

The Town of Strathmore is committed to delivering high-quality infrastructure projects on time and within budget, Wilson says “Our team regularly monitors material costs and adjusts plans accordingly to ensure Town projects remain viable and cost-effective.” 

As for when some projects will be done, there are various factors that could affect a project’s timeline, including re-prioritization and weather uncertainty. 

“At this time, we have no projects planned for 2023 that were pushed into 2024.” 

When it comes to the list of projects that haven't been planned for, the Ridge Road Sanitary Realignment Project is the only project that wasn’t. 

Among things like the Ridge Road Sanitary Realignment, some of the other projects are the Annual Roadway Line Painting and Pathway Project, The Aquatic Centre Roof Replacement and going forward with the Tennis and Pickleball courts.

For more information of some of the larger projects that you will be seeing this year visit https://strathmore.ca/en/residents/major-construction-projects.aspx  

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