The Wheatland Kings had their home game last night against the Airdrie Techmation Thunder, and although they lost, the team played strong.

The first period was a fast and defensive start to the match, with no goals earned, but that changed quickly in the second period.

The second period had a goal for Airdrie in the first two minutes of the match. Airdrie earned their second goal of the game short handed, ending the period 2-0 Airdrie.

The third period went back to a defensive game for the first half, however Airdrie earned a ten minute penalty during the first half of the period for checking to the head. That did not stop Airdrie from earning their third goal of the match half way through. The Kings fought back when they earned two goals.

Isaac Benoit scored on a powerplay from Chase Clayton and Garret Vander Ploeg.

Then at 0:55 in the third Cole Busslinger scored from Chase Clayton.

This did not stop Airdrie from earning one more goal before the end of the game. The match ended with a 4-2 win for Airdrie.

Although Airdrie took the victory this round, the Kings played well, which will show in their next game coming up against the Cochrane Generals this Tuesday, December 11 in Strathmore at 8:15 p.m.