The Junior B Wheatland Kings are hosting their Kings 10 Year Alumni Game on March 16 at 4:45 p.m.

Miles O’keefe, the first captain for the Kings 10 years ago, said “I’m pretty excited, It's going to be exciting to get back on the ice with some of the guys that I used to play with. I keep in contact with quite a few of them, but there would be a couple I haven’t seen for a while, so it will be good to see all the boys again.”

O’keefe said he is really excited to celebrate the Kings 10 year. He said, “It doesn’t feel like 10 years since I played, but just the whole thing I’m excited to get out there and skate with the boys.”

“The Kings have always had a strong following in the town. They do a really good job with marketing themselves, and I think they’ve got a really good fan base now. It's just kind of grown from the start, which is great to see,” explained O’keefe.

Cole Busslinger, the current captain for the Kings, mentioned that he is pretty excited for the game. He said, “I know guys who Miles used to play with back in the day, so it will be fun playing against all those older guys and seeing all the people who used to play for the Kings at one point or another.”

Busslinger explained why the Kings decided to hold the alumni game this year. He said, “Miles has been asking about it every now and then, and advocating for it and it's a great idea.” Busslinger said, “We lost to playoffs early this year, it might have been a little while before the boys are back on the ice.”

He said, “After the game all the players are going to trickle in upstairs, and hang out, chat, and have a few drinks.”