In a small town where neighbors are like family, Chasity Trembly's journey through a series of medical challenges has brought the community together in an outpouring of support and solidarity.

Darla Hagel, Trembly's closest friend, has taken it upon herself to ensure that Trembly receives the care and assistance she needs during this difficult time.

"Trembly has been one of my great friends for many, many years. She's just been kind of one of my role models. She is probably one of the most amazing women I've ever met in my life," says Hagel, reflecting on their deep bond.

Hagel says that Trembly helps everyone that she can when they are in need and has volunteered at many places in town.

"She has worked for Strathmore Rodeo for 18 years volunteering, she used to even volunteer at Strathmore RCMP as the vice president of victim services back in the day, she raises money for families at Christmas time, the list goes on and on."

However, last year, Trembly's health took a turn for the worse when she began experiencing heart issues, ultimately leading to a diagnosis of A-fib.

"Back in June of last year, she started having some just issues with her heart and her Apple Watch kind of warned her to that. And she said, OK, well, I'm not feeling right. So, she went into the hospital, and it turned out that she was going through A-fib," recalls Hagel.

The road to recovery has been long and arduous for Trembly, both physically and financially.

"That isn't even enough to pay her rent, which is cheap. She might have to look at moving because she just can't afford to live there and that has been hard on her," explains Hagel.

Despite the immense challenges she faces, Trembly remains remarkably positive, seeing each obstacle as an opportunity for growth and reflection.

"Regardless of what is happening to her, she remains a very positive person. Yes, it was really hard on her. But she's like, you know what? It's forced me to stop. She's like, I think it happened for a reason because I probably would have had a heart attack had my leg not forced me to be on the couch," says Hagel.

For Darla Hagel, supporting Trembly is a way of giving back to someone who has always been there for her in times of need.

"When I'm sick, she makes me homemade chicken noodle soup and brings it in, and I live in Calgary, and she'll drop off some soup and come tuck me in and make sure I'm okay. She's always been there for me, for everything. This is the least I can do for her," expresses Hagel.

To help alleviate some of Trembly's financial burdens, Hagel has organized a GoFundMe campaign, to raise enough funds to ensure Trembly's stability for the coming months.

"So far the GoFundMe has raised $500," and Hagel says she "hopes to raise upwards of $3000, just to make sure Trembly is set for a couple of months."

As Trembly continues on her journey toward recovery, she is surrounded by the love and support of her community, a testament to the strength of human connection in times of adversity.

Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can uplift and empower those facing challenges, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.

To read the full story of Chasity Trembly and to contribute to her GoFundMe campaign, click here.

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