Daylight savings time (DST) begins March 10 at 2 a.m., meaning Canadians will need to set their clocks forward, or "spring ahead," by one hour. 

For many people who struggle with sleep issues, it can be a difficult time.

Here are five ways to keep ahead of the curve and make sure your sleep is not getting interrupted. 

  1. Practice good sleep hygiene: Avoid alcohol and heavy dinners and snacks just before bed and avoid caffeine from coffee or tea.
  2. Establish a consistent sleep routine: This includes weekends and should be at least seven hours of sleep time.
  3. Alter your bedtime leading up to DST: Going to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual for two to three days leading up to the change helps.
  4. Spend time outdoors: It helps with your circadian rhythm and can help with feeling less tired.
  5. 20-minute naps: It's been shown a 20-minute nap refreshes while not leaving you groggy.

As a reminder, it's always a good time to change your batteries in smoke detectors and CO detectors when DST takes effect.

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