Brentwood students participated in their annual Winter Carnaval yesterday (Feb 29). 

Carnaval is a day for students to celebrate a traditional Québecois festival while learning about the culture. 

Erin Friesen, Associate Principal at Brentwood Elementary School, provided some details about the event. 

“We started Carnaval the first year that we started our French Immersion program here, which would have been seven years ago,” Friesen said. 

The Winter Carnaval was inspired by the Quebec Winter Carnaval, which is an event that takes place at the end of January until mid-February. 

“I think it is important for students to participate in Carnaval because it gives them some context about the language and the culture they are learning about.” 

Brentwood Elementary School offers a French immersion education stream for any students who are interested. A big part of the French curriculum is learning about the traditions and culture, which includes the Winter Carnaval. 

Brentwoods Winter Carnaval included many traditional winter activities for the kids, such as curling, hockey, snowman building, and playing spoons. Of course, it also included winter treats such as snow toffee and hot chocolate. 

Brentwood studentsBrentwood students competing in a game of tug-of-war as part of the Carnaval activities. 

Bonhomme is the official representative of the Quebec Winter Carnaval and appeared at the event. 

“I love seeing the faces of the students when they experience and try out new things that they are excited about. Carnaval is a great opportunity for students to experience a different language and culture.” 

Friesen said that this event wouldn't be possible without their parent volunteers and the Canadian Parents for French, who provided donations to hand out to the kids. 

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